Liverpool Boys High School

We Choose Our Success

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At Liverpool Boys High School we have a framework to measure, assess and report on the General Capabilities. ‘CAPRI+’: This is the framework use to measure, assess and report on the general capabilities called - Communication and Collaboration, Attitudes and Values, Practical and Organisational, Research and Critical Thinking, Innovation and Creativity and Numeracy and Literacy. 

Due to the nature of Project Based Learning, the learning has flipped from content to skills making it necessary to assess this way.

CAPRI+ is based on Dr Darrall Thompson’s work (UTS) and other universities. This model is used to assess student’s graduate attributes. We have adapted the model for schools based on the general capabilities. SInce 2018 this model has been our sole assessment model for years 7 – 10.  


CAPRI+ are the skills that the students will learn in each project.

The table below are the CAPRI+ elements 

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