In line with the NSW Department of Educations’ regulations we are now a Mobile Device Free school.
What does this mean?
Students are not to have a device on them during the school day. This means leaving it at home or having switched off and in their bag before they enter the school gate only to turn it on and take it out once they have left the school grounds.
What is included in the device ban?
Phones and wearable devices such as headphones/airpods, smart watches, and any other device connected to or used like a phone.
Where does the ban apply?
On school grounds, on ANY school event including, excursions, camps, sporting events or carnivals unless stated otherwise by the school.
Does the ban apply all day?
Yes, from the moment students walk into the school gates, to when they leave. Also, any other times they are on school grounds or school events, this includes recess and lunch.
What happens if a student has a device?
The device will be handed over to a teacher. It will be kept securely by the school. Students can then collect the phone after the last school bell of the day.
What happens after the first offense?
On the third offense, the phone is kept for 3 school days. Parent/carers need to contact the school to make arrangements to pick up the phone. In this instance only a parent/carer may pick up the phone, it won’t be handed back to a student.
What can be brought to school?
As a Bring Your Own Device school (BYOD) students can and should be bringing in their Laptop and Tablet, used for in class learning. Please note any tablets connected to or used like a phone is also banned.
What if parent/carers need to contact the student?
Contact the school office on 96027979.
Who is responsible for the device?
Any item brought into school by a student is their responsibility. To deter any issues, we encourage students not to bring devices to school.
How can students pay for canteen and other student services?
Cash or EFTPOS using a physical payment card.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school on 9602 7979.