Liverpool Boys High School

We Choose Our Success

Telephone02 9602 7979

REVIEW - Online reports

Access student reports via REVIEW

review screenshot

Go to our REVIEW page to access your son's report

Both student's and parents have their own accounts and can log on using either, to access school reports. If you do not have a login, please contact the school (02) 9602 7979 to set up your account.

  1. Visit
  2. Click on parent login and log in using your email and password
  3. Click on Tasks to see the different project results
  4. Download the PDF to get more information
  5. Sit with your son, read the report and discuss it together.

If you have any questions about your son’s progress and would like to discuss this with his teacher please contact the school.

REVIEW is the reporting software used at Liverpool Boys High School

We have worked with ACADEM, a software company, to modify the software - REVIEW for a school-based context.

The learning has been flipped from content to skills. An example of this is assessing a student’s ability to explore ideas and to reflect, the vehicle used is creating a drama performance.

Over 4 years of junior schooling we will build a profile of every student against this skills/capabilities model – the data will come from many courses and many teachers over many years.

Liverpool Boys High School is working with the Univeristy of Technology Sydney to examine how students can use this profile to enter UTS (and other universities). We believe this is ground breaking work and will demonstrate that we can have a systematic way to reliably assess skills and to use this assessment as the exit credential from high school.

If we combine this assessment with a portfolio of work, we have a system at least as robust as the HSC - that values skills over knowledge.  

CAPRI gives a common dialogue between students and staff, assessment criteria for tasks, student self-assessments and grading that gives feedback on attribute development. 

CAPRI is the shared language and REVIEW is the platform that allows staff, students, and parents to track the marks and grades linked to developing attributes.  

REVIEW is assessment with real world relevance. 

The below videos delve into more detail.